Logo Vienna University Philharmonic


We are a community with two orchestras and nine choirs that complement each other musically. You can sing a cappella with us, play symphonies and also help shape the large oratorio repertoire. All ensembles usually perform with their own group. Occasionally there are large concerts where several groups play together.

The size of our community enables us to hold regular concerts in concert halls such as the Vienna Musikverein, the Vienna Konzerthaus or St. Stephen's Cathedral and invite internationally known artists. And we would be delighted if YOU were to join us from now on!

Our rehearsals take place weekly. There is also a rehearsal weekend once or twice per semester. In order to ensure the musical quality, all rehearsal dates are announced at the beginning of the semester. Attending at least 75% of the rehearsals is mandatory. If fewer rehearsals are attended, participation in the concert will not be allowed. Rehearsals are expected to be attended on time. Singing at the concerts and attending the last two rehearsals is mandatory. Singers who do not show up for the final rehearsals and concerts without a good reason (e.g. illness) and do not inform us will no longer be able to participate in the choir in the future. For our advanced ensembles we only accept singers who can join for a least one year.

You do not have to be a student of the Vienna University to join the choirs!

In order to meet the various needs, interests and standards of our singers, we offer choirs with different audition requirements.
In addition to our choir groups, there is the Voice Club Beginners choir course, for which no previous experience or audition is necessary. This course is also suitable for refreshing musical knowledge.

All voices can register for October 2024.

Simply come and sing!
For the group Voice Club Beginners and Singing Generations no audition or voice check is necessary.

Voice Club Beginners - women voices

Voice Club Beginners - men voices

Singing Generations

Voice check and evaluation after one semester

For the groups Symphonic Women's Choir and Femmes Vocales there will be an evaluation at the end of the first semester where musical and basic sight-reading skills are required.

Symphonic Women's Choir

Femmes Vocales

Auditions for advanced singers:
The Philharmonic Choir, the Symphonic Choir and the Voice Club are for experienced singers. There is an audition for these choirs, which requires sight-reading skills and basic singing technique, but you do not have to prepare a piece. These choirs sing demanding works that require more ambition and time. In addition to the weekly rehearsals, there are occasional additional rehearsals.

Philharmonic Choir - women voices

Philharmonic Choir - men voices

Symphonic Choir - women voices

Symphonischer Chor - men voices

Voice Club - women voices

Voice Club - men voices

Many new students, international exchange students and people new to Vienna come to our choirs and have few contacts outside of their own university department. To make it easier for you to join our community, we are organizing a welcome party with a "Speed Friending" event mid-October. We are looking forward to meet you!

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